The seller's customer service is 1st class and I received the bag on the day I needed to deliver it personally. The seller offered to deliver the bag to me using a faster Courier Service which I greatly appreciate. The bag itself is 12 stars out of 10. The quality is outstanding and the recipient is overjoyed at how beautiful and durable the leather bag is. It should last 2 lifetimes. Thank you so much to the Hides Team for expediting this order!!!! Happy New Year to all of you!!!
Great bag feels very durable, wish the top lid was sawn over the front zipper instead of being tucked under. It makes the bag look bit off. Maybe good idea to upgrade in next iteration for new look? I would buy it again.
Perfect briefcase for the essentials! Nice quality and great price compared to comparable bags. Also A1 customer service from Hides!!!
Quality leather and perfect size for men's pocket!
Just the right size for things needed on a plane. Will last for years of travel. This bag can used for many types of storage